Sunday 7 November 2010


Some people say that they never dream. But that is not possible.Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory for them than others.Every one and a helf hours throughout the night we live our private fantasies in our dreams we can forget the good behaviour of the day and we are free to behave in any way we want. Images from our past and present come together. But as soon as we wake, the dream starts to melt, and the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget.

I had this amazing dream last night. I must tell you about it now ' I was on my old school, er.... but it wasn't a school, it ...... it was a kind of a ...... er......... I don't really know what it was'

So , why do we dream ? Are dreams important? The experts tell us that they are, because they can help us prepare for the problems of everyday life. The images in our dreams have special meaning and they can help us to understand our inner personality.


  1. No on can understanding our dreams

  2. I hope that I dream every night
    I want a lot of dreams

  3. Sometimes when i dream i couldn't remember it but i feel that it happend 2 me in my reality..
